400 Rubio Avenue

Through an approach shaded by a single mesquite tree, a pair of wooden doors open into a surprising canyon-like exterior entry courtyard.

The sounds of trickling water reverberate from a black steel pool, and tall rammed-earth walls frame the blue desert sky. A flush glass wall divides the space into an exterior courtyard to the north and an interior workspace to the south.

This is a building of walls – earthen walls and a glass wall - walls that rise from the earth and reach to the sky uninterrupted. Like the sky, the reflective metallic ceiling seems to float between these walls. This composition of strong singular elements supports the overriding concept of creating an introspective work environment.

400 Rubio Avenue


Tucson, Arizona, USA




Rick Joy
Andy Tinucci
Chelsea Grassinger


Bill Timmerman
Joe Fletcher
James McGoon